
What’s in your Wallet?

I have heard that commercial for credit cards often.  The actor challenges us about some aspect of our lives, what we purchase and how we pay for it. Then asks us if we have the right card in order to have the power to purchase something on credit by asking us “What’s in your wallet?”

I have been pondering that whole concept.  My wallet contains so much that in many ways defines who I am.  I have an assortment of items that are used often that speak loudly of who I am or who I wish I was.  I have credit cards that allow me to purchase things I cannot afford but would really like.  There are cards that give me discounts on items I don’t normally purchase , but discounted they might taste good.  I have receipts from places like Home Depot and Lowes that defines the majority of my purchases and gives a hint as to what I do for a living.  I even keep a few of the notes my daughters have written me over the years that define me as a dad and lift my spirits when down.  The key piece of information is my drivers license.  This gives key facts about my life that allow me to drive a car, rent a movie, buy a beer or cash a check.  It is my identity and one I keep closely guarded.  

As we enter mid-life we begin to see that so much of what defined us in our 20’s and 30’s has left us frustrated, depressed and longing for more.   I remember all too well having a occupation that challenged, strengthens and fed my ego. As I moved up the ladder of supposed success my identity in what I did fed my false self.  It allowed me to look successful, act successful and begin to build an identity that was more a fabrication than a reality.  It was the words “you’re fired” that rocked that world.  The very things that had anchored my life and my soul were suddenly stripped away.  My identity as a success, as mover and shaker, as a good guy was suddenly removed.  

It took almost 20 years and a lot of failure, both professionally and personally to take a hard look at “what was in my wallet?”  What and where was my ultimate identity?  In whom did I trust and find my true identity?

I am hearing story after story of other mid lifers who have had all sorts of issues, from death, illness, unemployment, rebellious children, broken marriages and dark nights of the soul that have rocked their world.  All that we defined ourselves in our youth, our hopes and dreams, our very identity is dashed on the rocks of life.  Disappointment with ourselves, with others and with God cause our life and our ultimate self to be ruined.  For years I thought this was a sign of failure and ruin. I ran from the idea of having my identity in something or someone other than myself and my “success”.

I am finding as I grow older that all that defined me as a young man, now bring great disappointment, and all that I deeply desired, but never achieved now bring me fulfillment and a sense of mission.

The apostle Paul shouts it from the mountain top, that our identity is not in our accomplishments, or our personality or in our possessions, but is found in who we are in God’s eyes. He spells it  out in passages like Romans 8 and Galatians 4.  Being a Son(or daughter) and not a slave or an orphan truly changes this game we call life.  It places our pursuits in perspective and challenges our assumptions and attitudes.  Our identity should not and cannot be in our wealth, health or success.  It has to be grounded in the One who passionately loves and cares for us.

So, what’s in your wallet?


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