
The brevity of life

Tonight my hero lies in a hospital bed 650 miles from my home.  From reports he hovers between lucid thoughts and wild imaginations as something misfires in his brain.  The man who reared me, who gave me my name and who has walked this earth for almost 90 years now seems to have taken his first steps toward this thing we call eternity…  Deep inside i keep saying, ah he will be okay, he will fine, just needs some rest.  But reality tells me this man i have called pops, who used to play catch on the front walk after dinner, and threw a mean fast ball,  this quiet man who has wrestled with his demons and won, who has loved his wife, cared for his kids, and always provided even when the money was not there.  This quiet mannered man, who rarely spoke a harsh word is now slowly being silenced.

I remember the first time i hugged him…it was after i graduated from college, and it was the start of our hugging.  It took that long…

I remember that wonderful grin of his…and those false teeth!!

I remember how he could wiggle his ears…often in the middle of dinner time and it delighted all of us.

I remember when he gave up drinking during my senior year in high school

I remember how proud of me he was when i played high school football…

I remember him driving me all the way to TN to drop me off for my first semester of college…

I remember the look on his face when i asked him to be the best man at my wedding…

I remember that conversation we had at one of the cousins weddings where you actually talked about your life…i will cherish that 30 minutes for ever.

I remember him holding my first daughter…and it brought so much joy to him.

I remember how he used to sneak out of church on christmas eve, to put the presents under our tree, because santa always came on christmas eve….

I remember he always had the trunk of his car so neatly organized…

I remember polishing his dress shoes on saturday nights…wing tips…

I remember borrowing his good dress shirt as a an artist shirt for school.

I remember the silly powder blue leisure suit he wore in the 70’s with the white buck shoes and the gold chains around his neck…and those mutton chops…

I remember the cool wooden box with the painted top that he kept all his cuff links and tie clasps in…

I remember his fledgling faith after giving up drinking…and i watched him like a hawk for months before i finally succumbed to the reality of this guy Jesus.

So Pops, my hero, my warrior my guide…if this indeed is the beginning of the end of this earthly life for you , know your memory will live on in your kids, your grandkids and even in the minds of so many of your great grandkids.   You are a good man, Merle J. Reeves.   And i for one will miss you terribly.  And i only hope that on the other side of this thing we call life, that we find a greater, grander experience.  may it be so..   And if i dont get the chance to say goodbye, i look forward to the next adventure we call eternity…

thanks Pops…you’re the best…


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