
The Blinking Line

I have read a number of blogs these past months that keep pestering me with the question about wether i am willing to die for my faith.  The question is an okay question, but for me it hangs there in the air, unable to be answered.  It seems somewhat out of place for a middle aged guy who is in the midst of life. Seems odd.

I read a book recently that opened with a chapter about the blinking line, the cursor that blinks and leads us to write the next word, the next sentence.  To put our  thoughts on paper.  It blinks….and blinks…waiting for us to create another thought, another turn of phrase.  It blinks and begs us to take the step that life demands.  It blinks, patiently awaiting us to make our move, quit the job, create the masterpiece, love our neighbor, seek the needy.  The blinking line begs us to move on and create a life that makes a difference.  In our family, our workplace, our neighborhood and our places of worship.

Instead of wondering about our willingness to die for faith…family…country.  We perhaps need to ask deeper questions about what it means to live.  To truly live a life that is full, blessed and deep.  That allows us to walk out our freedom as sons and daughters of the divine.  Its seeking that thing that Jesus said about “i came to give you life and that more abundantly”.  

Its about life…about living…about work, marriage, kids, grandkids, worship and work, 

Its about love and loss, about failing health and robust laughing.  Its life, this crazy, wild, confusing and wonderful thing that has been gifted to us for such a short moment.

Its about reaching, creating, loving and learning all in the midst of living.  We really need to begin to ask one another about are we willing to live..to really live this life we have been given.

We all have the blinking line in our lives.  It begs us to move forward.  To try something new, to challenge old assumptions, to risk, to love and always be pushing and pulling to get the most out of it.

As long as our heart keeps beating, our lungs keep breathing and our mind keeps thinking, we have that blinking line that Begs us to move forward, to live fully, free in the reality that God has made us for a purpose.  He has gifted us to impact this world. 

What will you do with that blinking line?

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